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Pre-order your 2025 Exam Preparation Guide now! Your book will be shipped the week of September 23rd. Reserve yours now!
Below we provide solutions, errata, omissions, exam hints & solutions. We do not provide solutions to every question - only those that students find consistently challenging.
If you have a question or concern please let us know on our contact page.
STARs provide arriving aircraft with a transition from the enroute airway system to the terminal environment. They have been around for a while and have grown in importance with the integration of GPS into our air-navigation system.
Transport Canada is now testing your knowledge of STARs in the written exams. Please review the STARs Briefing Notes that are linked below:
STARs Briefing Notes (PDF, 2,272 kB)
Answer c) should say "537 - 3".
To solve this question correctly, you need to know that you are flying in a piston single engine aircraft.
ADS-B Out is now required in Class A airspace (as of Aug 10, 2023) and will be required in Class B airspace from May 16, 2024. Transport Canada is now testing your knowledge of the ADS-B system in the written exams. Please review the ADS-B Out Briefing Notes that are linked below:
ADS-B Out Briefing Notes (PDF, 120 KB)
Calculating the maximum line-of-sight reception range for VOR or VHF radio can be tricky. Review the PDF linked below for the three most common types of questions and and explanation of how to solve each one.
VOR Reception Exam Hints (PDF, 210 KB)
Answer a) should say:
a) The localizer signal may be misaligned from the runway centerline by more than 3° as long as a cautionary note is published on the approach plate
eBook quiz C11-015 answer (d) should read as follows:
d) Answer b) and c) above are correct
Contact approaches section 10.2.2, question 6 (eBook quiz C15-006) correct answer should be:
b) i, v, vii, viii, ix, x, xiv
Question 3 Solution (PDF, 109 KB)
The correct answer is (b)
b) 10 nm, profile view
The correct answer is (a)
a) On the plan view of an approach chart unless noted otherwise
The correct answer is (c)
c) There is a 4 light PAPI at the threshold of the associated runway and it is suitable for use by aircraft with an eye-to-wheel height of 10'
The question should refer to the lowest useable weather minima, rather than the lowest useable HAT/HAA. Revised question wording is as follows:
8) If the situation is the same as was described in question 7 above except that you are unable to confirm that the runway was unobstructed then the lowest useable weather minima would be:
The correct answer is (c)
c) This is not a workable plan because a straight in approach is not authorized as part of this procedure
The correct answer is (d)
d) Both b) and c) are correct interpretations of the missed approach procedure
The question incorrectly refers to the Prince George beacon, but should refer to the Northwood beacon. The question should read as follows:
12) If you are required to execute the missed approach, according to the approach plate, you will need to enter the hold at the Northwood beacon (ZXS 260). The appropriate entry to the hold would be _____ assuming a heading of 360° to the Northwood beacon.
The correct answer is (c)
c) Offset
The correct answer is (a)
a) Enter the hold at the 'YEL' NDB, holding an inbound track of 123°
Answer (c) should read as follows:
c) 1500-3
Question 13 Solution (PDF, 325 KB)